Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Hose Fun, Toddler Style!

These about sum up this summer so far. This kid wants to be OUTSIDE all the time. He loves every minute of it! And if we don't get out there fast enough, he brings me my shoes, sometimes one high heel :) Thanks Eli!

Fun things happening lately:
  • Eli's talking sooo much. I think he learns a new word every day. Any water is a Sippy. Not just cups, but pitchers and even water fountains. And he'll argue with you if you try to tell him differently!
  • If I lay him down on the changing table and ask him if he pooped, he says "I check." I guess that's what I say to him, lol.
  • The other day I said " You tooted" (when he had). And he looked right at me and said "Mama toot!" Blaming others starts already, apparently!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dear Eli

Dear Eli,
I'm sorry to say that your mom gave up on blogging 10 months ago, and now that I've decided to start again, I thought I should give you a reason for this gap. You see, your mommy got frustrated with all the "shoulds" with blogs (I should blog more often. I should make it fancier. I should be getting better at this), and I finally just stopped. But now you're doing so many new things every day, and I want to remember them. And I want to print a book for you someday, even if it does have a 10 month gap in it. So, I've decided to write an imperfect blog and be OK with it. It won't be fancy and will consist of pictures and things I want to remember, whenever I feel like posting them.

So here are my memories for today...

  • Last week in the car you were practicing your animal sounds. It went like this: "Mmmmm...A cow!", "Baaaaa!....A Baa!"  You don't say sheep yet, so they're Baa. You are also doing sounds for a dog (arf ), a cat (Neow), a duck (Kack, Kack), and a horse (He he he he). Daddy says the horse is the second worse horse sound he's ever heard. I don't know who he could be talking about :)
  • You climb on anything and everything now. We can't keep you off the kitchen chairs & table. You really love to stand on it and touch the chandelier. And you climb up on mommy & daddy's bed now too, which isn't easy since it's so high. When you get up there, you wait for me to come find you and you smile so big when I do.
Sitting on Grandma Kathy's lawnmower, which you love as long as no one tries to turn it on.